01 Nov

First Generation Week Interviews!

November 8 is the official date for the annual National First-Generation College Celebration, which honors the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The Tech Opportunities Program (TOP) here on campus celebrates this as First Generation Week, which seeks to recognize first-generation college students. First Generation week is November 5-11 this year, and TOP reached out to us to do a live interview series of first-generation students and staff/faculty!

These interviews will be on the topic of lived experiences, specifically the unique challenges, complexities, growth, and successes of a first-generation student in college. They will be live on air next week (see schedule below), but will also be recorded with the interviewee’s permission and posted here for later listening. Check them out here on KTEC 89.5 FM!

    Emily Teeter — Student Monday 11/6 — 12:00pm
    Emily Navarro — Student Monday 11/6 — 2:30pm
    Tammie Retherford — Staff Monday 11/6 — 4:30pm
    Sam Thach Jr. — Student Tuesday 11/7 — 4:00pm
    Lupe Preciado — Staff Wednesday 11/8 — 10:00am
    Riley Richards — Faculty Wednesday 11/8 — 4:00pm
    Daniel Blair — Student Thursday 11/9 — 12:00pm